Citation Tracker | SciVerse

Citation Tracker | SciVerse:

Citation Tracker

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Find, Check, Track

The Scopus Citation Tracker is the simple way to find, check and track citation data. Available to anyone with a Scopus subscription, it lets you track data year by year for a specific author or topic.

With the Scopus Citation Tracker you can evaluate:

  • The most highly cited author in a field and check that author's relevance
  • The real-time citation data of articles and authors of interest
  • What topics are hot in familiar or unfamiliar subject areas
  • What subjects are being cited by other subjects

You are in control

The Scopus Citation Tracker puts you in control of the articles and years to evaluate. It's the easiest and quickest way to gain insight into research trends and assess the influence of articles and authors. You can set up email alerts that notify you when articles/authors of interest receive new citations and you can easily export data to other applications for further analysis.


It is recommended to first view example a before proceeding to example b.

Example A:

review citations to a particular author.
Shows how to use the Author Search to review the citations to this author's work. In addition, the Saved List option is demonstrated to show how to use Scopus to review a list of articles regularly. *
Duration: 02:15 min
Size: 2.95 MB

Example B:

review the citations in a particular field.
Demonstrates how to use the general search to create a list of articles, and how to use the temporary list function to compose this list. The temporary list is then used to create a citation overview of the articles in this list. The links from the tabular data in the citation tool are demonstrated as a way to display the citing documents. *
Duration: 02:24 min
Size: 4.82 MB

Example C:

Use the refine box to view a summary of citing documents.
Starts in the citation overview and then shows how to view a summary of citing documents. For example, who is citing this document set or author the most? *
Duration: 00:30 min
Size: 219 KB
The demonstrations require you have the Flash player installed!

How to use Citation Tracker

  1. Perform an author search.
  2. Select the author(s) of your choice by clicking in the check boxes next to the authors' names, and click on 'Citation Tracker'.
  3. After the Citation Overview is generated, you can view the number of citations your author’s articles have received per year and in total. You can go back to the record by clicking on the title. You can also change the sorting order and select the date ranges.
  4. Additionally, you can exclude self-citations from the citation overview counts and/or export and print the Citation Overview.


click here and start by searching for an author.
You can also create a citation overview by adding documents to My List. If you wish to view a demo on how to create a citation overview using My List or if you wish to have a more detailed explanation on how to use the new Scopus Citation Tracker, click here.

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